These small droplets can usually spread through the air up to one meter. After that, the virus can stick to any surface where it can live up to 24 hours. Anyone who touches this surface can spread the virus further by touching other objects, such as items used daily at home or in public places, such as door handles or even in our clothes.
Most people get infected when they touch contaminated objects, then place their hands near the nose or mouth.
The disorders that cause bronchitis can also be due to substances that enter through the breathing, including chemicals or cigarette smoke. Smoking is a major cause of chronic bronchitis (long-term). This includes inhaling cigarette smoke from the nearest person, so people living with smokers may also be at risk.
In addition, you may also experience bronchitis and other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) if you are frequently exposed to substances that can damage your lungs. These include: textile dust, ammonia, strong acids and chlorine. Symptoms usually heal after you are no longer exposed to these irritants.
Disorders That Cause Acute Bronchitis Occurrence
Most cases of acute bronchitis are caused by viruses or infections. The same virus that causes flu and colds is the most common trigger, but bacterial infections are also a disorder that causes acute bronchitis.
Inhaling particles or smoke in the air can disrupt your lungs and respiratory tract, and will increase the risk of acute bronchitis. This includes inhaling or exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, exhaust fumes, or other air pollution. If you are exposed to high exposure to irritation, such as in explosion or fire exposure, this can also cause acute bronchitis. This exposure may also aggravate acute bronchitis.
Disorders That Cause Occurrence of Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is caused by recurrent irritation and damage of lung tissue and airways. This happens when a patient often breathes in smoke or particles that interfere with the lungs. Smoking is a major cause of chronic bronchitis, but it can also be caused by many other factors. This includes long-term exposure to air pollution, dust and smoke from the surrounding environment, and even recurrent acute bronchitis following.
People suffering from chronic bronchitis usually have menstrual periods as the symptoms progress and become much more severe than usual. During this time, they may also develop acute virus or bacterial bronchitis.
The best way to reduce the severity of chronic bronchitis symptoms is to reduce or avoid the exposure or disorder that causes your chronic bronchitis. Continued exposure to bronchitis triggers such as smoking or air pollution will only aggravate the condition over time.